Friday, December 1, 2006

dead babies can take care of themselves

According to a very forgettable article I read on the Counterpunch page (about how we should abort all white babies), "Whites are 74% more likely than blacks to binge drink regularly. In fact, there are more binge drinking whites than there are blacks in the entire population of the country!"

Well, that's an interesting statistic, anyway.

Speaking of black people, check out this web site:

I will not even attempt to make the link look cool.

Does anyone ever say "You go, girl!" anymore? It doesn't seem like it.

Can anyone identify this quote without googling it?

"You speak in strange whispers. This is not the way of Landru."

All this in the way of a few parting shots before I turn in....


Unknown said...

You are turning in? Don't you have some binge drinking to do while listening to DAC and Pantera's latest collaboration?

Unknown said...

In terms of the quote, if was Landry instead of Landrau, I would say it was Roger Starbaugh. Not really worth the google to find out though.

bzfgt said...

It's "Landru." It's "Staubach."

Unknown said...

yeah, this format makes it hard to check my spelling. but the intent was made clear